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PWB Georgia Council

PWB membership offers the opportunity for leadership development, educational scholarships, and the benefits of membership at the national level through NAHB, including buying discounts, Building Women magazine, newsletters, travel and educational benefits, endless networking opportunities at various events offer the chance to meet and mingle with industry leaders in an informal environment.

Applications for membership to the PWB Georgia Council are now being accepted. The registration fee is $75 per person.

PWB Application Form

The NAHB Professional Women in Building Council (PWB) is the voice of women in the building industry — dedicated to promoting industry professionalism and supporting members at the local, state and national levels. Through education, professional development and networking opportunities, PWB helps members acquire and develop invaluable leadership and business management skills that boost career success

Professional Women in Building Member Services

The Professional Women in Building Council is dedicated to promoting, enhancing and supporting home building and women within the industry. We do this by:

  1. Providing professional development resources
  2. Encouraging career development within the industry
  3. Promoting and supporting active involvement in the political and legislative process
  4. Promoting and supporting community involvement

Professional Women in Building Council Programs

The Council recognizes its role in supporting the overall building industry. The Council mobilizes its membership to assist efforts directed by the HBA. On the local level our efforts include:

  • Networking and mentorship opportunities for council members
  • Community service projects
  • Career counseling and mentoring of women and student
  • Providing programs of interest to council members

Board Roles & Responsibilities:

PWB Chair: must attend & plan all state meetings, schedule local meetings, community projects, send out emails.

PWB Vice Chair: assist chair in planning state meetings.

Secretary/Treasurer: assist Cindy Morley with budget, attend state meetings, board retreat, keep track of PWB finances. Take notes and type up minutes of meetings.

Membership/recruitment: reach out to new members and welcome them. Keep up with membership monthly. Submit new members to Melissa at Denim Marketing each month for newsletter/social media. Ideas and ways to increase PWB membership.

Program/Events: Help plan local events and come up with ideas for local and state meetings. Ideas for community projects to be approved by the board.

Membership Opportunities

PWB membership offers the opportunity for leadership development, educational scholarships, and the benefits of membership at the national level through NAHB, including buying discounts, Building Women magazine, newsletters, travel and educational benefits, endless networking opportunities at various events offer the chance to meet and mingle with industry leaders in an informal environment.

PWB Application Form

Officers & Board Members

  • Chair – Laura Adamski, Legacy Homes of Georgia
  • Vice Chair – Stacey Purcell, Pest USA
  • Immediate Past Chair – Christy Kimbrough, Oconee Comfort Insulation
  • Secretary-
  • Events –  Stacey Purcell, Pest USA
  • Events – Mary Borror- Ivey Homes
  • Events – Erin Slade, Silverton Mortgage
  • Membership – Mallory Kearney, Morgan HVAC
  • Executive Officer Liaison – Tiffany Heitzman, BAMA
  • HBAG Advisor – Cindy Morley, HBAG
  • Membership – Megan Thompson- Ivey Homes