The Lewis Cenker Scholarship Fund is a non-profit organization created in 1977 by the Home Builders Association of Georgia in honor of the late Lewis B. Cenker, an outstanding Georgian and a national industry leader.

Reminder: Scholarship Applications Are Due March 15th!
Scholarships are awarded to qualified students seeking a career directly related to the home building industry.
The following have established special funds by making substantial contributions:
- Bill and Barbara Beazley Fund
- Jack Bowles Family Fund
- John H. Cowart Family Foundation, Inc. Fund
- Mark Herbert Family Fund
- Dan & Beverly Saye Fund
- John Wieland Fund
- Ray M. Wright Fund
- Home Builders Association of Georgia
- JD Caswell
- Trevor Readdick Fund
- George McClure Fund
- Professional Women in Building Georgia Fund
- HBA Greater Aiken-Augusta Area
About The Scholarship
Lewis Cenker was an Atlanta builder and lawyer who served as President of NAHB (the National Association of Home Builders) in 1974. He is one of two Georgians to have served in that position. He was a founding member of HBAG (the Home Builders Association of Georgia) in 1955 and served as president in 1969. He also served as the president of the Greater Atlanta HBA in 1960.
Scholarship awards will be made in an amount established by the Trustees of the Fund. Funding is obtained by donations from local home builders associations and individual members and may be in the form of cash, bonds, stock, real estate, etc. Special honorary funds my be set up within the Lewis Cenker Scholarship Fund for an individual, family or company making a minimum donation of $35,000 which can be made incrementally. This amount is set by the Trustees of the fund. All local home builders association are encouraged to make annual contributions to reach the level of $35,000 to set up a special fund. Those donations may be made with the stipulation that they are for endowment purposes only, and they shall not be disbursed. Currently, 7% of the value of net assets at year end determines the amount of scholarship awards that will be disbursed the coming school year, at the discretion of the Committee.
Selection Process
There are eight trustees/directors of the Lewis Cenker Scholarship Fund Committee who comprise the recipient selection committee. Applicants must be studying in a field directly related to the home building industry, or a CTAE Program that offers a curriculum in the home building industry. Scholarships are awarded on the basis of academic excellence, career goals, letters of recommendation, financial need, and other activities related to their studies.
Applications are due by March 15th of each year.
Scholarship applications are reviewed and graded in the spring of each year by the Committee. Recipients are selected at that meeting and each applicant is notified by letter in late April.
Lewis Cenker Scholarships are awarded in the following categories :
- Scholarships are awarded to qualified students seeking a career directly related to the home building industry.
- Scholarships are also offered to Career Tech Education classes at high schools across the state offering training and certifications directly related to the home building industry
Student Applicant must meet all the following requirements:
- Must be entering an area of study directly related to the home building industry.
- Application must be completed in its entirety, and must signed by the Local HBA Executive Officer or a member of the Board of Trustees of the Lewis Cenker Scholarship Fund
- Student must have at least a “B” grade point average.
- Must include a one-page essay on why the student wants to pursue a career in the home building industry
- Student must have a family member who is a current member of HBAG or local HBA
CTAE Applicants must meet all the following requirements:
- Must offer construction or home building related courses
- Application must be completed in its entirety, and must include a recommendation and signature of a Local HBA Executive Officer or a member of the Board of Trustees of the Lewis Cenker Scholarship Fund
All applications must be completed by March 15.
Congratulations to the 2024 Lewis Cenker Scholarship Recipients!
Coleton Sefetovich
Greater Atlanta HBA
Cohen Chadwick
Gordon-Bartow HBA
Kadin Story
HBA of Statesboro
Hudson Burch
HBA Greater Aiken-Augusta Area
Cole McLemore
Greater Columbus HBA
Nicholas Turmon
HBA Greater Aiken-Augusta Area
Daniel Ferrer
Middle Georgia HBA
Harrison Story
HBA of Statesboro
Jeremy Wall
HBA Greater Aiken-Augusta Area
Thomson High School CTAE Program
HBA Greater Aiken-Augusta Area
Evans High School CTAE Program
HBA Greater Aiken-Augusta Area
Valdosta High School CTAE Program
HBA of South Georgia
Jordan High School CTAE Program
Greater Columbus HBA
Statesboro High School CTAE Program
HBA of Statesboro
NW Whitfield High School CTAE Program
Dalton HBA
Harlem High School
HBA Greater Aiken-Augusta Area
LaFayette High School
Dalton HBA
Cairo High School
HBA of South Georgia
Harris County High School
Greater Columbus HBA
Lewis Cenker Scholarship Fund Directors
Mark Herbert – Chairman
HBAG Past President 1996/1997
R.J. (Bobby) Cleveland, Jr. – Vice-Chairman
HBAG Past President 2017/2018
J.D Caswell – Chairman Emeritus (deceased)
HBAG Past President 1977/1978
Susan Cenker-Foreman – Director
Daughter of Lewis Cenker
Stanley Richardson – Director
HBAG Past President 2011/2012
Lamar Smith – Director
HBAG Past President 2016/2017
Jim Chapman – Director
HBAG Past President 2020-2021
Bradley Jones – Director
HBAG President 2021-2022
Mark King– Director
Representing JD Caswell Fund
Trevor Readdick– Director
HBAG Past President
Cindy Morley
Scholarship Coordinator
2. Applications must be submitted by builder members or associate members of the Home Builders Association of Georgia through their local association and be signed by the local executive officer. In rare instances of members-at-large who have no local home builders association office, the application may be submitted directly to the HBAG office, with prior approval of the scholarship coordinator.
3. Applications must be received by mail or delivery at the HBAG office on or before posted deadline.
4. Scholarships shall be awarded annually to be available for the fall semester of each school year. Scholarship award checks will be mailed directly to the school, college, or university.
5. Scholarship amounts will vary. Awards may be made to cover actual training cost for full-time study in an accredited post-secondary institution or an accredited technical school or to a level determined by the Fund’s trustees.
6. Scholarship funds may be applied to cover actual expenses for tuition, fees, books, special supplies or tools necessary for study. Room and board costs may also be covered. Funds may only be applied toward actual expenses for items considered reasonable or routine for any other student enrolled in the same program of study at the same institution.
7. Scholarships are awarded for a one-year period of study. Upon written request from a recipient, providing that all criteria have been met and maintained, extensions beyond the initial scholarship amount may be considered by the Committee.
8. Applicant must have at least a “B” grade average at the time of application, and must maintain a “B” or higher grade for each semester of study completed in order to remain on the scholarship during subsequent semesters. Confirmation of student’s quarterly grades and grade point average must be submitted by means of an official school transcript or grade report in order for the application to be considered.
9. A student approved for scholarship support for full-time study in a particular post-secondary program must continue study in that program in order to remain eligible for this scholarship. In order for scholarship to be maintained, the student must notify the Committee in writing of any intended change in the area of study. The request will be considered by the Committee and continued funding must be approved.
10. Scholarship awards shall be made with the expectation that the student will remain enrolled in full-time study throughout consecutive semesters or grading periods (summer quarter study not required). Any interruption in continuous enrollment must be justified in writing to the Trustees. Any unjustified interruption in a full-time study schedule may result in cancellation of scholarship funding.
11. Applicant must provide evidence of financial need. Most recently completed tax returns of student (if independent) or parents (if student is a dependent) MUST be submitted with this application.